วันเสาร์ที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2566

โครงการจัดสรร ซีเนียร์คอมเพล็กซ์เซ็นเตอร์ บริษัทบิ๊ก ม จำกัด ขอนแก่น

a housing estate project for the aged Senior Complex Center Project Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Sector Policy) Thailand Promotes Happiness The owner of Big M Company Limited. Businesses, department stores, real estate, and hotel business. Founded on October 3, 2010. a registered capital of 5,000,000 baht The total construction budget is 5,453,000,000 million baht (five thousand four hundred fifty-three million baht exactly). There are 6 phases of project locations as follows: Phase 1 of Senior Complex Center Project Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Sector Policy) is a land and housing project suitable for the elderly as well as those planning retirement in the form of condominiums and integrated medical service centres. It is the center of the northeastern region with convenient transportation and an appropriate atmosphere and balanced location. At No. 8, Suan Mong Sub-district, Manjakiri District, Khon Kaen Province, the project budget is 1,000,000,000 million baht. Phase 2. Senior Complex Center, Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Policy) is a land and residential project suitable for the elderly as well as those planning retirement in the form of condominiums and integrated medical service centres. Khao Khor No. 1 is located in Moo 1. Kamp Son Sub-district, Khao Ko District, Petchabun Province, project budget of 1,453,000,000 million baht. Phase III: Senior Complex Center Project of Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Sector Policy) is a land and housing project suitable for the elderly as well as those planning retirement in the form of condominiums and integrated medical service centres, and a well-designed design in Phetchabun Branch. Lom Sak House No. 41, Pak Chong Subdistrict, Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province, budget of 750,000,000 million baht. Phase IV: Senior Complex Center, Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Sector Policy) is a land and housing project suitable for the elderly as well as those planning retirement in the form of condominiums and integrated medical centres, as well as a well-designed design. Northeastern Lampao, Kalasin Province, House No. 9, Lam Phao Dam Sub-district, Lam Phao District, Kalasin Province. The project budget is 750,000,000 million baht. Phase 5, Senior Complex Center, Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Sector Policy) is a land and housing project suitable for the elderly as well as for those planning retirement in the form of condominiums and integrated medical centres, as well as a central location in Chainat. House No. 345 Sub-district Mueang Mueang Chainat District, Chainat Province. The project budget is 750,000,000 million baht. Phase 6. Senior Complex Centre of Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Sector Policy) is a land and residential project suitable for the elderly as well as those planning retirement in the form of condominiums and integrated medical service centres, as well as a branch of Phetchabun Province, Samlang District. Wichian Buri, Petchabun Province, project budget of 750,000,000 million baht. Business model, integrated zener complex, single detached house (SDH) and condominiums and rehabilitation centres, senior citizens and hotel businesses. Main customer groups, members of savings cooperatives of government officials, regional plumbing, electricity, teacher government, local government agencies and the general public. The investment amount of the project and the budget, including the total construction value of the project. The total construction budget is 5,453,000,000 million baht (five thousand four hundred fifty-three million baht exactly). The total project loan is 5,453,000,000 million baht. The period of return of capital is reported at the end of the list for 15 years. the person in charge of the project ( ) Mr. Naphat Lertmahalap, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company. President of Big M Co., Ltd. Application for approval for a project loan ( ) Dr. Chayanat Saengmanee, Chairman of the Senior Complex Project, Private Sector Public Sector. Consultant on a collaborative MOU to work. Project and construction department of ATL Group Co., Ltd. .Vision." be committed to professional service With quality staff, standard performance. To serve the poor as a volunteer. fulfill one's customers' satisfaction with one's goal use cutting-edge technology be committed to continuous quality improvement A mission. "Building for strength, we aim to develop into a strong construction institution in real estate." "Building for business partners, we are committed to being the main developer of the Sea Complex. Thailand has created a career for small contractors and partners to choose with confidence and trust and be ready to make progress together." "Creating jobs, we aim to create an organizational culture that emphasizes efficiency. It is an organization of learning with the best potential of its own." "Society building. We aim to provide the best returns for buyers such as quality products and poor people with good service quality and service quality by adhering to good corporate governance and creating a sustainable society and growth." Executive Summary By Mr. Naphat Lertmahalap, Executive Director, signed. Senior Complex Center Project Big M Company Limited (Private public policy) Senior Complex Center of Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Policy) has analyzed strategies for purchasing elderly care services and beautiful condominiums. There are many interesting types of vacation homes that are analyzed by society and occupation, thus forcing Thais to live in Bangkok's urban society. With large-scale projects to be launched in the provinces and in Thailand and other major tourist destinations along with transportation development such as the expansion of new ring roads. The project is expected to start in the first phase of 2023, with a high-speed rail system between Bangkok-Isan-North-South and Bangkok-Chiang Mai. It will take a few hours to travel. It can accommodate 34,800 passengers a day, and has the potential to improve the economy and promote domestic tourism to find a happy home for investment. To welcome the ASEAN EEC tour, the decision to take care of patients, parents, or kindergarten students requires a delicate decision-making process, and many consumers have to make a decision together. Senior Complex Center Project Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Sector Policy) is a residential housing project with systematic and legitimate regulations in accordance with the Housing Land Allocation Act B.E. 2543 and the Housing Complex Act B.E. 2551 and Dr.Chayanat Saengmanee has received support from the Department of Elderly Affairs, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security in 2018 to establish a project and provide support to registered people who wish to live in the project. There are more than 50,000 elderly homes nationwide and members of the savings cooperatives who have signed agreements for the cooperatives, such as the project agreement for the members of the teachers' savings cooperative Nakhon Ratchasima and the gathering of cooperatives. There are 500,000 members, and the Regional Water Supply Cooperative has 30 members.There are 28,000 members of the Provincial Electricity Savings Cooperative, and there are more members of the Korat Housing Cooperative Co., Ltd. and the network of cooperatives nationwide. 100,000 people have good service strategies and experience in the field of viewing and senior citizens as Ban Thongthip, who have successfully completed more than 20 large projects in Bangkok and surrounding provinces, and have been appointed as engineering and real estate experts.Property to serve on the Board of Land Expropriation of Nakhon Pathom Province for the past 20 years. The Senior Complex Center of Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Policy) located in the eastern part of Nakhon Pathom is the most suitable area. The construction of a new city has been studied for many years in the development of urban areas. The second point is that Thailand is the most suitable country for foreigners after retirement. The ozone city has good weather compared to other countries around the world based on economic conditions and lifestyle. The survey found that three reasons why Thailand is the best place to live after retirement. The decision to build the Senior Complex Center Project of Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Sector Policy) in line with the development of the country and EEC. Senior Complex Center Project Big M Co., Ltd. (Public Private Policy), a comprehensive home for senior citizens and houses with modern management system. In addition, Ban Thong Thip's reputation is well-known, so there are as many as 300 customers who have left their lives with Ban Thong Thip to care for the elderly or elderly.

