วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2566
ประกาศ บริษัท อีเอส คอนสตรั่คชั้น ประเทศไทย จำกัด ลงนามการสนับสนุนการก่อสร้างโครงการซีเนี่ยร์คอมเล็กซ์ ประชารัฐ มากกว่า 2300 ล้านบาท ลงทุนให้กับ บริษัท เอเอที แอล กรุ๊ป จำกัด เมื่อวานนี้
ES Construction (Thailand) Co., Ltd.} Letter of intent No. 004/2566 February 2, 2023 Subject: Financial Support Dear, Managing Director of..ATL Group Co., Ltd. and Director of Allied Construction of China Co., Ltd. We are ES Construction (Thailand) Co., Ltd. by Mr. Thanathorn Pattanathongkul, authorized director of the juristic person appeared in the certificate of the company's partner office No. 0135550032791, located at 61/295 Moo 8, Bueng Bon Subdistrict, Nong Suea District, Pathum Thani Province. The company would like to show the financial support in the construction of the Senior Complex according to the contract number Trade No. ...001.... on November 25, 2022 between the company ..ATL Group Co., Ltd... by Dr. Chayanat Sangmanee, Executive Director signed.. The owner of the senior complex project and Chinese Allied Construction Co., Ltd. by Lieutenant General Samphan Srirachabuaphan, executive director signed contractor operating the construction of the project Senior Complex by using the company's existing credit line according to the certificate of financial status and credit of TTB Thanachart Bank Head Office No. 8012/2565, dated August 19, 2022, in the amount of 800 million baht (eight hundred million baht only) contractor for the construction of the Senior Complex project by using the company's credit line according to the bank's financial status and credit certificate TTB Thanachart Bank No. Office of 8012/2565 dated August 19, 2022 in the amount of 800 million baht (eight hundred million baht only) The company considers that the Chinese Alliance Construction Co., Ltd. is a company that has the potential to carry out the construction of the senior complex project and the company is pleased to support working capital for the company..ATL Group Co., Ltd..by Dr. Chayanat Sangmanee is an executive director and signed. The conditions are as specified by the company in all respects. Please be informed. Best regards, ES Construction (Thailand) Company Limited ................................................................................... (Mr. Thanathorn Pattanathongkul ) Managing director The office is located at 61/295 Moo 8, Bueng Bon Subdistrict, Nong Suea District, Pathum Thani Province. Office is located at 61/295 Village No. 8, Bueng Bon Subdistrict, Nong Suea District Pathum Thani Province, Thailand
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